OTF Helps REST Centres Rebrand with New Slogan, “Shelter Dignity”

BRAMPTON, ON – In 2021, R.E.S.T. (also known as REST Centres) received a $63,500 Resilient Communities Fund grant from the Ontario Trillium Foundation to support rebranding and communication plan development. With this support, REST Centres has rebranded itself, implemented a new marketing and communications strategy, and redesigned its website for easier navigation and promotion of the organization’s symbolic appearance and brand image. The rebranding, dubbed "Shelter Dignity," signifies focus on shelter as the pivot of all basic needs, in the absence of which the path to growth and independent living is derailed.

“With the COVID-19 pandemic, we have witnessed Brampton's cost of living go up dramatically,” said Brampton Centre MPP Sara Singh. “I am happy to hear that there is a plan to start a post-pandemic recovery by addressing youth homelessness in Brampton Centre. Thank you REST Centres for your continued work and advocacy.”

“Shelter Dignity” echoes the complexities of youth homelessness from individual, family, social, political, and institutional challenges. REST Centres serves the Peel Region to address BIPOC youth homelessness with a housing-first, community-driven model that places a premium on grassroot participation and ownership. The trend of homelessness has necessitated the organization's rebranding to focus on homelessness among the black youth population. The City of Toronto's 2021 Street Needs Assessment recorded that on a single night, 7,324 people experienced homelessness, of which 4,394 were from racialized backgrounds and 1,362 were from the minority black communities. These facts, compounded by other related discriminatory and observed racial inequities, provide the credibility to support REST rebranding to address black youth homelessness.

This grant has also allowed REST Centres to develop and implement a new fundraising strategy. COVID-19 caused the cancellation of traditional fundraising events and compromised the organization’s ability to generate revenue and support its programs. This new fundraising strategy supports REST’s long-term sustainability and ensures the organization can continue generating funds during and after COVID-19.

OTF’s support has allowed REST Centres to continue meeting the needs and supporting the dignity of BIPOC youth in Peel Region. "Refusing our youth shelter for dignity does not only deny them from achieving their growth potential, but it also implies failing to build our bridge of hope for sustainable growth and development," says Executive Director Dagma Koyi.

We would like to use this opportunity in our rebranding to seek your support in mobilizing needed resources to end youth homelessness. You are invited to visit www.restcentres.org to view the different services REST provides and learn more about youth homelessness.

The Ontario Trillium Foundation (OTF) is an agency of the Government of Ontario, and one of Canada’s leading granting foundations. Last year, nearly $112M was invested into 1,384 community projects and partnerships to build healthy and vibrant communities and strengthen the impact of Ontario’s non‐profit sector. In 2020/21, OTF supported Ontario’s economic recovery by helping non‐profit organizations rebuild and recover from the impacts of COVID‐19. Visit otf.ca to learn more.


Dagma Koyi | Executive Director/Founder of REST Centres

647-707-6762 | [email protected]


REST Centres Rebrand


Black History Month